Brisa Wellness

(813) 771-0777

Patient Intake Form

Step 1 of 8

COVID-19 General Waiver of Liability

This agreement releases Tampa Bay Physical Therapy LLC from all liability if I contract COVID-19 while inside the building/receiving service, etc. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold Tampa Bay Physical Therapy LLC entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for any medical attention required.

While in the building/receiving service, etc. I agree to wear a mask over my nose and mouth at all times, stay at least six feet away from other patrons, and abide by the safety precautions laid out to me. I will ask for clarification when I need it. I understand that a mask and hand sanitizer may be provided to me if I do not have my own.

I understand that Tampa Bay Physical Therapy LLC has put the aforementioned precautions into place to protect me and the other patrons. Tampa Bay Physical Therapy LLC will enforce all aforementioned precautions in order to provide maximum safety for patrons and staff.

By signing this waiver, I attest that I am not currently sick, that I have not had a fever or any COVID-19 symptoms in the last 10 days, that I have not received a positive COVID- 19 test in the last 14 days, that I have not been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, and that I have not traveled to a high-risk area in the last 14 days.

I understand that I am at risk of contracting COVID-19 even if I take the precautions required by Tampa Bay Physical Therapy LLC and that COVID-19 can cause permanent damage, disability, and death in people of any age. I further understand that I may contract COVID-19 through my own negligence or the negligence of others in the building.

By signing below, I forfeit all rights to bring a suit against Tampa Bay Physical Therapy LLC for damages, illness, or death resulting from contracting COVID-19. In return, I will receive physical therapy services.

Clear Signature